Tuesday, April 17, 2012


First of all, the word "lullaby" is a really odd word if you think about it. Just saying. Moving on...

I've found I sing random songs to Graham when he's fussy and needing to sleep but fighting it hardcore. The songs vary based on what comes to mind. Sometimes, it's what one would consider a "normal" lullaby, like "Rock-A-Bye Baby", other times it's something like Carrie Underwood's "Good Girl" because I may have just watched that video on CMT. Hey, whatever works. And honestly, if we're comparing the two songs, I think the latter wins. "Rock-A-Bye Baby" is actually quite scary and traumatic when you realize what it's saying.

The one song that always seems to calm Graham is also one that calms me.If I'm tired, stressed, overwhelmed, worn out...whatever the case may be, it brings a peace to my soul as much as it calms his little over-tired self. So, I shall share it with you...I don't think the words will ever get old, or ever stop refreshing my spirit.
Jesus Cast a Look on Me
  1. Jesus, cast a look on me;
    Give me sweet simplicity;
    Make me poor, and keep me low,
    Seeking only Thee to know. 
  2. All that feeds my busy pride,
    Cast it evermore aside;
    Bid my will to Thine submit,
    Lay me humbly at Thy feet.
  3. Make me like a little child,
    Of my strength and wisdom spoiled;
    Seeing only in Thy light,
    Walking only in Thy might;
  4. Leaning on Thy loving breast,
    Where a weary soul can rest;
    Feeling well the peace of God
    Flowing from Thy precious blood.
  5. In this posture let me live,
    And hosannas daily give;
    In this temper let me die,
    And hosannas ever cry.


Sunday, April 15, 2012


Well, Lent is over, I'm back on Facebook, all is right in the world. End of post.

Kidding...sort of. I am glad to be back in the online world of friends, but strangely miss being disconnected in some ways too. That temptation to compare with others is always there, which is the downside of it. In some ways I feel like Facebook is a way for us to display our triumphs and successes and the good things of life but hide the ugly, bad, not-so-fun things. Yet when we read other people's status updates or see their pictures, we immediately compare it to our own day that's going not so great, and think the world is ending and our life just sucks compared to everyone else. (note that silly little word again: compare)

In my absence from Facebook I of course had to develop a new little love affair (sorry Facebook, I couldn't stay away...another site was calling me. It was cute, funny and had good cologne. Or just pretty pictures. Either way, I cheated.) Pinterest...the new mom obsession. And while it can also serve to fuel some comparison, (read: she pinned that recipe and that adorable dress...does that mean she's wearing that adorable dress? how does she have time to be on Pinterest? Her baby must be an angel. Wait...how do I have time to be on Pinterest...? *sheepish look to self*) I've noticed there are a lot of more positive things about it too, like all of these random quotes that people pin. Jim gets annoyed with them..."why would I want to read quotes? I just want to find DIY projects."... but I rather like them. One of my favorites as of late is "Comparison is the thief of joy" (this is truth). And, "The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else's highlight reel."

BAM. It was like Pinterest with its DIY wreaths made up of coffee filters and wine corks just took said wreath and smacked me upside the head. (although, if I was getting smacked upside the head with something, having it related to both coffee and wine would not be the worst thing in the world) This is exactly what I do. ALL.THE.TIME. I'm convinced that my crazy day of a not clean house and fussy baby and tired mom is in direct opposition to everyone else who is probably wearing high heels, cooking a gourmet meal looking like Betty Draper, answering emails and saving the world all while rocking their sweet little precious baby to sleep quietly. Then a bunch of other people started re-pinning my pin (the online version of validation) and I thought...hmm. If they think the same thing, then that would mean they're quite possibly still in their pajamas today too. So...my next thought is, let's all meet at Wal-Mart in our no-showered pajama mess and call it a successful day because we made it out of the house. And we'll choose Wal-Mart because, if we're honest, there's a good chance no one will notice. Score.

So, while I wouldn't usually advocate for cheating...sorry Facebook, this time, it was totally worth it. No regrets in the morning. In fact, I may just cook Pinterest some eggs and make them some coffee while I'm at it, and we'll probably continue this little affair. But I'll keep you on the side - you're good for a fun time every now and then, and I'm glad to have you back.