Wednesday, November 14, 2012


The title of this post sounds deep. In actuality, it has only to do with blogging. (so, in some way I guess it has to do with every post I That is deep) My revelation was that I don't have to wait until I have some deep revelation to actually write a blog post. I have this sneaking suspicion that some, possibly a lot, of bloggers actually start writing multiple posts whenever they have time/thoughts come to them, and save them to finish later. Genius! Genius, I tell you. I, in my always-make-things-10x harder-before-figuring-out-there's-a-better-way-to-do-it ways, have trouble keeping up with blogging because I think I have to wait until I have the time, energy and mental capacity to come up with some deep, thought-provoking post. I have ideas for posts all the time, but then fail to write them because I don't have an hour to just sit and blog at that moment. Well, I just figured out, I don't have to. I can take 5 minutes and get out what's in my head, then come back to it later. What?! Craziness. This may just change my life.

A perfect example of my former thinking ways is that I had planned to blog every day for a week leading up to Graham's birthday. Epic.Fail. I got 3 out. 3 out of 7...not even a 50%. Had I had my revelation prior to that week, it could have turned out a whole lot differently. What really happened was that I had about 10 zillion things going on, between my family coming to town, working a totally different schedule than normal, personal commitments and planning a birthday party that I was too tired to think at night and then writing became a chore. And frankly, my last post took a lot out of me and I needed some days to decompress.

But now, now the party is done, my baby is 1, my parents have left and I have a new-found approach to blogging. Turning over a new leaf, I dare say. It's kind of like the blogging New Year for me; maybe I'll don a little black hat and drink some champagne to celebrate. Except I don't have any...I'll have to work on that. But for now, I'm going to go jot down some ideas I have, then save them for later. See? Genius.

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