Saturday, October 3, 2015

Groundhog Day

Remember yesterday's post, where I woke up crabby, the baby wouldn't sleep, etc.? Hi, welcome back.

I think a lot of parenthood can feel like the movie Groundhog Day...the same day plays over, and over, and over again, until you're pretty sure you're going crazy. It usually lasts for short seasons, but when you're in them, whew!

We've had a rotating series of them since the beginning of August; Jude's allergies (see this post for some explanation) aren't just to some foods, but also outdoor allergens. The change in seasons has had him go through spurts of croup-like sickness, where he coughs so much he ends up spewing up the contents of his stomach. It's delightful, especially at 2 am. Once it's done he's all 'Hey! Let's play!' however, I don't feel quite the same. Couple that with the rain we've had lately and the hubby also being sick and holed up in the bedroom...yeah. Honestly, I almost didn't write today because I figure no one cares to read about this. Honestly, I don't blame you, I'd be finding some funny Jimmy Fallon sketch to watch instead...which I'll probably do anyway.

But, I'm committing to doing this, so here we are. After the 2 am incident and another waking, I finally declared today a 'newborn day'. It's how I remind myself that some days are just, simply, living. There may not be a lot accomplished, we may not get dressed, or if we do it's just to run to Target at 4:30 pm (I'm already planning that trip for after nap time!), but that's OK. We're fed, we're alive, and there is plentiful grace for us all. And muffins. And movies.

So here's to lazy days, baking all the things (it's probably good I'm wearing stretchy pants) and letting your kids watch those really weird Saturday morning cartoons. Congratulations, we made it.

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