Monday, January 2, 2012

Night Night Little Pookie...and other things I now know

I've always laughed to myself at moms when they walk around singing things like the Dora the Explorer theme song, or quote Dr. Suess books at random intervals. I am ashamed to admit, I thought to myself 'I am determined not to be so obsessed with my children that my whole identity is taken up with their things!' And I'm still determined not to let that happen...but I've already realized that despite my best efforts, I do in fact know the entire book of "Night Night Little Pookie" by heart. So much so that I quoted it in its entirety to my husband tonight-sans child. That's right, wild nights in the Meador household. One can only imagine what else I will be quoting in the years to come.

And so, in this spirit, I thought I would make a list of things I have learned thus far in parenthood. Some are serious, some a little tongue-in-cheek. And some may apply to other moms while others are unique to us, but it's fun to document these things while they're fresh in my mind!

1) Forget waterboarding. The only needed form of torture is sleep deprivation-I promise, it will eventually crack even the most hardened of criminals. If you want to up the ante, play a tape of a screaming infant in the background every 2 hours or so.

2) The maker of the 'pee pee teepee' was on to something. Little boys pee everywhere. And they are talented, let me tell you. My little guy was able to hit two walls and my face all in one pee at just 2 weeks old. I can't wait til he actually realizes it is there...

3) Cloth diapers are a lot easier than I thought they would be! I actually find them less of a headache than disposables (I'm sure this is different for everyone) We used disposables for the first month or so (and still do on occasion-especially traveling, etc.) and I hated how much trash we had, and how much it smelled! We missed a trash day right after coming home from the hospital and actually had to take our trash to a friend's trashcan because we ran out of room. Plus, we used almost $80 worth of diapers (we got the chlorine-free kind) in a month; our cloth diapers were $350 total and should last until he's potty trained, plus for any additional kids! We use Fuzzibuns diapers and they are super easy to put on, really absorbent, and we just run a load every other day or so in the laundry. The only bad part is having to put the liners back in when they're dry...but I can do that while watching TV. We also made our own (OK, Jim made them...if you don't know yet, I am not the crafty one here) cloth wipes and use them as well. Overall, very happy with the decision!

4) NPR is like a baby sleep drug. Seriously-even if he's screaming, turn on some NPR and he at least calms down for a minute to just listen-sometimes it actually stops completely. Other good remedies? Noise machines-that one is just as good for mom and dad-the first night home we turned on the heartbeat sound (he was sleeping in our room), and I don't know about G, but Jim and I slept very well for the little bits of sleep we were able to get! Also-Ray Lamontagne, the Gossip in the Grain album. He listened to it in utero and 'Let It Be Me' gets him every time. Thanks Ray.

5) Breastfeeding is hard. Let me say it again: breastfeeding is hard. One more time? OK...I won't. But seriously, it's different for every woman. Some may not have difficulty; a lot do. And it's so easy to feel defeated and want to give up-especially if you have nurses at the hospital scaring you into thinking if your baby doesn't nurse right away they'll waste away to nothing. A) not true, they're fine. B) hire a lactation consultant. If you want to breastfeed, it's one of the best investments you'll make, and will save you a lot of tears (not all of them, but a lot). It's hard, but, as I'm learning with all of motherhood-it's hard, but it's worth it.

6) Yoga pants will make you feel sexy some days. If you've been in sweatpants or pajama pants for a while, change into a pair of some tighter-fitting black yoga pants, and you'll think you belong on a runway in Milan or Paris. It's amazing what you can convince yourself of when no one else is there but you and a baby. And spit up in your hair? It can totally help style it-with some extra hold even. The hubby better watch out when he gets home-he won't know what to do with your sexed-up self.

7) People will give you unsolicited advice; it starts as soon as you're pregnant and just gets more frequent, yet strangely more unsolicited as time goes on. They mean well. It probably worked for them, and it may for us. But it may not. Take what works and run with it-ignore what doesn't and don't feel bad.

8) Hormones. Sweat. Engorgement. Lactating. Paints a pretty picture, eh? The first time I woke up in a pool of sweat I thought I'd peed myself. Nope-just those hormones leveling out. And the first time your baby decides to sleep a longer stretch at night? Strike up the hallelujah chorus and then change your shirt. Or possibly your husband's shirt as well, if you happen to be curled up against him in the middle of the night as I was. I'm sure he wasn't grossed out at all. Right?

9) Put him down and walk away. It is OK, and he'll survive a few minutes on his own. In fact, he probably has a better chance of survival on his own at this moment. If I feel overwhelmed and need a good cry myself or just to breathe or get a couple breaths of fresh air-it is OK. And the calmer I come back, the better prepared I am to help him calm down too. It's a win-win.

10) Last on the list for things are HUGE. Someone please tell me why an infant weighing less than a sack of potatoes needs a swing or a seat or a stroller or whatever the heck it may be that expands and twists and turns and is basically constructed to see how long it takes for you to stub your toe on it? I think we need to start a tally of how many curse words are said in a day from running into baby things. Rather, how many curse words are whispered...because now that the baby is here, we whisper things we don't want him to hear, of course.

So much to learn, so much wisdom to glean...but alas, it is indeed past my bedtime, and little Pookie is probably going to wake up far sooner than I would hope! So..."There are gentle winds blowing, and stars all above you. Night night little Pookie, I love you and love you. And love you and love you. And love you and love you." [then Pookie whispers]  "Night night little mommy."


  1. Alisha, I am so glad you can voice your thoughts here. So insightful and witty! :) #1 and #8 are my favs!

  2. Wait until you spray him (hubby) during....intimate...times. Once I hit my own face. I thought the ceiling was leaking, but nope...just me. An embarrassing over share from one mom to another. :)

  3. Alisha, I love you and this blog. Keep on posting as I too am learning a lot. Loved the balance between the reality and not so glamorous part of parenting and the funny/ easy to forget special moments. I'm praying for your dear friend.
