Saturday, September 21, 2013

One week in

This motherhood stuff is not for wimps.

I say that like I didn't know. I've been a mom for almost 2 years, and have already had some doozies thrown at us. But seriously. Almost-2-year olds all day long are exhausting. My house is less clean than it was when I was working. I want to go to bed at 8 pm every night. I had a beer for lunch this week. How's that for expectations being thrown out the window?

Thankfully, I have a very loving and understanding husband. While I was lamenting the other night over how much I did not have my act together, he let me know that he doesn't care. He doesn't care if the house is a mess or everything isn't done. He knows this season is short, and wants me to enjoy it. So if I play all day with our son and use nap time to just read or craft or whatever, that's what he wants. I have a keeper, just saying.

Speaking of crafts, let's talk about those for a minute. I am NOT a crafty person. I like decorating. I like making gifts look pretty that are semi-homemade. But let's face it: crafts are not my forte'. However, this week I found myself texting pictures to my husband of random crafts I was making. I'm pretty sure he thought there was another woman in his home. 3 weeks ago, my days were spent managing an office and talking policy. Now I'm chasing a toddler and making crafts. Not any less important - just using a side of my brain that did not get used much before. Talk about a transition! It's a good one, but definitely harder than I expected. In some ways, it's like going back to that whole 'I just had a baby' feeling. I'm having to figure out our days again, what kind of schedule, what is best for Graham, how much we go, how much we stay home.

Today, my gracious husband has the boy all day. I have happy Autumn music playing, it's gray and rainy out, a yummy smelling candle is burning and I think I'm going to read a book. My house is still a mess, but hey, I'm here a lot now, so I think it can wait for a while. We'll get into the swing of things eventually, but in the meantime, I'm going to enjoy today!

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