Thursday, October 1, 2015

It's Fall Y'All!

Do you know how many times I've wanted to say that, but don't, for fear of sounding incredibly Northern? Actually, I'll probably just stick with writing it out, because then you can imagine I have an appropriately cute Southern accent, when, in reality, I talk like the people on TV.

If you've read this blog at all, you know my posting is anything but consistent. This month, however, shall change all that! (at least for a month...small goals, people, small goals.) I'm linking with the Write31Days project and posting EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. in October. I know. I'll give you a minute.

...OK. Now that you're settled and anxiously awaiting what I'm going to say for an entire month! (sarcasm)...what AM I going to say for an entire month? Picking a single topic gave me some serious anxiety and writer's block, which is a little bit unhelpful if I have to have content every day. So I chose a broad topic: Simply Living. It's a bit of a play on words...I'll talk about actual simple living; simple whole foods, decluttering like a mad woman, how I've switched to a capsule wardrobe and LOVE it (my dad will never believe me there, ever. I was the one who bought all the things!). I'll also talk about simply living; raising babies and food and chickens, finding unexpected joy and rest in small rhythms and routines, NOT doing all the things. (are we sensing a pattern here?)

So today, in honor of simply living, I'm celebrating fall. It's the first day of October, and after a week of rain we had sun and 80 degree weather yesterday. Tonight is supposed to bring crazy amounts of rain thanks to hurricane Joaquin, (have you seen this meme?? Amazing.)

...but today is just perfectly FALL. Drizzly and overcast, cool enough for a sweater but warm enough for no coat, boots weather because it's wet, and I ate a grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup that we had preserved from last year's garden for lunch. I'm also writing and ignoring the fact that my baby is trying to wake up from his nap FAR too early...but I  suppose I should go see about that.

Here's to Fall, to October, to Write31days! Cheers!

(those pumpkins are from our garden!! Eek! Best thing I've grown yet.)

"I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers" - Anne of Green Gables

1 comment:

  1. Love your series, Alisha! I am looking forward to reading. :)
