Saturday, February 18, 2012

Baby Steps

I realized I haven't blogged much lately and wanted to remedy that. But...I really couldn't think of anything specific to blog about. My mind's been a bit full the past couple weeks trying to get used to being back at work and getting re-used to being at home on the days I don't work, and then there was the whole thing with G spitting up blood, an almost trip to the ER, tests at the doctor's know, the usual. Thankfully he seems to be doing better (mini version: seems he may have GERD and it was irritating his esophagus so much that it was causing small tears and bleeding. We're working to get it under control now).

Pause: baby is waking from a nap. We'll continue in a bit...

And....we're ack. Typing with one hand while nursing. Thus why I just wrote "ack". We're actually back; we may be ack too, I'm just not entirely sure what that is. Since I still don't have anything specific to write about, we'll just do a lovely list of randomness. I have no idea where this is going to go.

-I've noticed that my hardwood floor doesn't get cleaned nearly as much as it should. How do I know this, you may ask? By the lovely little white spots I find at random intervals throughout our house. While I would love to claim that I was feeling festive and just wanted to create the illusion of a snow shower in this very mild winter, it's actually milk. Breast milk to be exact. So don't judge me if you come over - and try not to be grossed out. In fact, just grab a baby wipe and clean it up for me if you would; you won't have to look at it anymore and my floor will be a bit more clean. It's a win-win for us both.

-What one considers a "good night's sleep" now is quite comical. G woke up the other night around 11:30 (which was a bit annoying as I went to bed at 10:30 - par-tay animal that I am), then didn't wake up again till close to 4 am. As I put him back in bed I prayed (literally, I was praying) "Lord, please please please just let him sleep til after 7. If I can sleep til 7 I will be thrilled." Lo and behold, the alarm goes off and he's still sound asleep. So I laid in bed until 7:20. *shock*awe*gasp* Jim told me as he left "Make sure you get some rest today!" My response? "Why? I had a GREAT night's sleep!" 

-This has been the strangest winter I think I have ever experienced. We might get snow tonight, and if we do, it will be the first actual accumulation all winter long. Honestly, I am so thankful; I thrive on being outdoors and have been able to get out with G a lot since he was born. When I was younger, I wondered if I had SAD, because I swear I need more vitamin D than the average human. Or maybe I just wanted one of these, because they're kind of awesome. Either way, I think this weather is God's way of making sure I didn't sink into a seriously deep postpartum depression (because I am quite sure the warm weather is just for that reason. Why wouldn't it revolve around me?)

Pause: baby is yet again waking from a nap.

-I have a random urge to run. Maybe it's from being home so much more than I used to be, or because I feel like my back is always sore from lifting/carrying/nursing a 13 lb. infant and the use of other muscles would feel good...I really don't know. But I do know I keep wanting to run. I actually did it the other night; only about a mile, but's a start. Who knows, maybe I'll try it again one of these days. Or, more probable: I will sit on my sofa eating dairy/soy free chocolate chips and drinking a beer (it helps with milk production. tastes good.) while watching shows like American Idol, The Voice and Smash, as I did this evening. At least I have yoga pants on.

-Speaking of singing...I sing random songs about poop. And bedtime, and spit up, and going to the doctor and Lord only knows what else. Basically anything that happens during the day, I quite possibly will turn into a song to entertain G. Not only is this sad because words like "You've got the poops like G does" should never be uttered to the tune of "Moves Like Jagger", but also because my singing voice is awful and will probably do more harm than good. I can just see G waking up with nightmares later in life of some crazy lady singing horrible songs to him as a form of torture. However, if that does happen, I will kindly remind him of the sleep deprivation he put me through, and blame the bad voice on the fact that my eardrums were damaged from his screaming. Then we'll call it even. That's a healthy parent-child relationship if I ever saw one.

-I am pretending this is one long fluid blog post, but in actuality, it's taken me about a week to write this. I had most of it done and then life happened and I never came back to it. I'm glad I don't do this for a living, because I'd  be broke. Except, I would kind of enjoy doing this for a living, so maybe I should work on my commitment level. It's not like I have anything else to do, right? But, because it has taken me so long to finish, you are the lucky winner of getting to read the next little paragraph below. I know, I know. You don't have to thank me. Especially when you have to travel out of town for work, as I did last week. Watch this video; the last clip? That was me in the bathroom of the regional Workforce Center. C-l-a-s-s-y. But not so nearly as classy as having to pump in the parking lot of large employer partner that we work with. I was sitting out in the middle of nowhere, at the back of the parking lot, with my nursing cover on, the pump doing its thing while I perused Facebook on my phone, cows in the pasture next door...then I ever so discreetly put my milk in a cooler and walked in to a business meeting with one of their senior managers. All in a day's work.

-I'm out of things to write at the moment. Partly because I'm 'distracted' by Facebook (according to Jim, that is. In reality, I'm just taking a little break, as any time on Facebook is really just that. Silly boys, don't they know that? ) But mainly because it's after 10 pm and this equates to what would have been me staying out all night pre-baby. So, I bid you adieu. Let's hope I make it back here again before the end of February. Baby steps people, baby steps.

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